Dr Tim Ubhi

Meet Dr Tim Ubhi

Hello and welcome to my Blog! I’m Dr Tim Ubhi (most of my patients call me “Dr Tim”) and I will be posting on topics such as common child health problems, medical politics and also some funny medical stories that I have encountered in my 28 years as a Children’s Doctor. These stories will fall under the category of “Diary of a Children’s Doctor”, as I’m sure you will totally understand, names and places have been changed to protect identity. Please leave a comment if you read one of my posts so that I know I’m not alone! I hope you enjoy my Blog!

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Category: PANDAS

PANDAS – Does it Exist?

PANDAS – Does it Exist?

I first started seeing children with PANDAS about 9 years ago. PANDAS is an acronym for “Paediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcus”. In simple terms this means that children, following a streptococcus (“Strep’) infection get unusual features such as tics (uncontrolled abnormal movements), obsessive compulsive behaviours, start wetting and may also have difficulty eating. […]