Dr Tim Ubhi

Meet Dr Tim Ubhi

Hello and welcome to my Blog! I’m Dr Tim Ubhi (most of my patients call me “Dr Tim”) and I will be posting on topics such as common child health problems, medical politics and also some funny medical stories that I have encountered in my 28 years as a Children’s Doctor. These stories will fall under the category of “Diary of a Children’s Doctor”, as I’m sure you will totally understand, names and places have been changed to protect identity. Please leave a comment if you read one of my posts so that I know I’m not alone! I hope you enjoy my Blog!

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Latest News

Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services in the UK – Fit for Purpose?

Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services in the UK – Fit for Purpose?

Over the years I have come across many stories of patients being let down by the poor mental health services in the UK. It is good to know that mental heath is now a top priority for the NHS because if we ignore it, the problems will be much worse. There are however still cases […]

Improving our understanding of PANDAS

Improving our understanding of PANDAS

PANDAS stands for “Paediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcus” whilst PANS stands for “Paediatric Neuropsychiatric Syndrome”. Many consider PANDAS to be a sub-set of PANS but is this correct or are we seeing two different pathologies? Indeed, we have to ask ourselves if instead of two distinct disease entities we are actually dealing with […]

Squirt the Nurse

Squirt the Nurse

It is a privilege to be a children’s doctor. Over the years I have been able to treat children with cancer, cystic fibrosis and other conditions which can have a huge impact on their health. Being in hospital for a long time can have a massive effect on a child’s mental health, so I go […]

Wrong number!

Wrong number!

As part of my training as a children’s doctor I had to undertake my professional (also known as “Royal college”) exams. This was very early on in my career. These exams are held at different locations around the UK and I decided that I would go to Titterington,a city in the north of England, to […]

Why are so many children going to A+E?

Why are so many children going to A+E?

Our paediatric services are struggling on several fronts; not enough trainees, consultants leaving early and significant rota gaps which can result in a poorer service. At the same time we have more and more patients going to A+E. But why? What is changing and why are we seeing these increased pressures? Last year there were […]



  The room was dark and there was the hum of machines working in the background. I was laid on my bed trying to get some rest whilst on call at one of the largest teaching hospitals in Europe. It was about 3am and I was battling between trying to get some sleep and worrying […]